ROJAS | Voting is a Privilege: Don’t Waste It (And Why I’m Voting for Biden)

On a Thursday evening about a month ago, I got a call from a random number with a New York area code. I don’t usually pick up random calls, but I picked up this one as if it was an important caller. Expecting to hear a monotone robot, I was surprised to be connected to an actual person on the other end. The kind voice of then-Cayuga Heights Mayoral candidate Melanie McMurry greeted me, reminding me to show up on Tuesday, March 19, for Cayuga Heights’ mayoral election, to which I responded, “Wait, there’s an election on Tuesday?”

I consider myself politically active and was upset when I realized I almost missed a local election. I felt like a hypocrite, always telling my friends they should vote while nearly not voting myself because I wasn’t aware. 

It’s okay to know only some information about all the elections around you. However, I wanted to get to the root of why I truly was so upset at myself — voting is a privilege, and I cannot understand why people would abstain from it on any basis, given that they are allowed to vote. When I realized had I not gotten that call, I would not have known about the upcoming local election and likely not voted, it was a reminder to check my privilege and educate myself, and now I’m on the last step, educating others. 

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